Zorro - Episodul 5

Trupul dorit - Episodul 5

Prizoniera - Episodul 5

Feluri de iubire - Episodul 26

Abisul pasiunii - Episodul 6

Valuri de pasiune - Episodul 3

Dragoste și speranță
Episodul 222

Fata cu ochi de Onix
Episodul 129

Pacatele Evei
Episodul 23

The Treasures Of Montezuma

The Treasures of Montezuma is as thrilling as an adventure movie and as awe-inspiring as the quest for eternal life! Take the role of the beautiful and intelligent Dr. Emily Jones as she sets out to solve a mystery that reaches across time to transform the world. Join her as she matches artifacts and activates ever-more powerful magic totems to complete her quest. Features awesome visuals and challenging new gameplay!
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