Zorro - Episodul 5

Trupul dorit - Episodul 5

Prizoniera - Episodul 5

Feluri de iubire - Episodul 26

Abisul pasiunii - Episodul 6

Valuri de pasiune - Episodul 3

Dragoste și speranță
Episodul 222

Fata cu ochi de Onix
Episodul 129

Pacatele Evei
Episodul 23

The Clumsys 2: Butterfly Effect

When Grandpa Clumsy sets in motion a chain of events that turns the 21st Century into the Stone Age, Helen decides to travel back in time to repair mankind's greatest inventions. Help her restore the modern world to its former hi-tech glory!
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